美國紐約大學石溪分校的盧(Luu YK) 利用公鼠做實驗, 使用低強度機械律動刺激 (0.2g,每天15分鐘,一週5天)。經過6週後,老鼠骨髓中的間葉幹細胞增加46%,而且間葉幹細胞的分化轉向生骨細胞分化,並且減少生脂肪細胞的分化。
圖: LMMS代表低強度震動組 low magnitiude mechanic stimulation, Con 代表對照組, 可以看到震動組體脂肪明顯少於對照組, 體脂肪體積少22%, 體脂比例少13%
Luu YK,” Mechanical Signals As a Non-Invasive Means to Influence Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate, Promoting Bone and Suppressing the Fat Phenotype.” Bonekey Osteovision. 2009 Apr 1;6(4):132-149.
Luu YK,” Mechanical stimulation of mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation promotes osteogenesis while preventing dietary-induced obesity.”J Bone Miner Res 2009 Jan;24(1):50-61.